Yes, Two in One Day!

Posted on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 - 1 comments -

After posting the first one today I spruced up my blog a little, nothing that people will probably notice, but still fun for me. I also went back and read a few of the early posts on here. I can remember everything I wrote about back then seeing as how the first post on here is just a mere 18 months ago. Like I said I only read through a few of them and skimmed the titles of the others. I also realized that I do miss having a roommate that sat down and talked to me about real issues as well as music. I know that I'm somewhat of a sappy person, and with that you will have to forgive me. I digress. I should be talking about my state of being as of now.

I am currently working for a pharmaceutical company, last place I imagined I would be a few years ago. No to say that I regret my decision to take the job. It isn't what I was expecting and still isn't everything I wanted. I don't feel substantially challenged in my job. So where does that put me in terms of the future?? That's an excellent question I'd say. One of my personal issues is that I kinda want to do everything. My interests are diverse and so are my options. I somehow need to figure out a way to limit or narrow my options. There lies the challenge. While I say my interests are diverse my experiences with those interests are not that abundant. I could say that I want to do A but I don't have much experience with A. I also have the scary feeling that whatever I choose to do will require me to jump feet first into it. I know that's not fully true, but any decision I make will require a large investment of both time and money.

Everyone I have talked to about this usually says the same thing. Something along the lines of you can do anything you want just go for it. Trouble is people I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT! (not yelling just making it clear)

If anyone has an incredible career option or idea for me let me know.

There has been 1 Responses to “Yes, Two in One Day!”

  1. Anonymous

    okay... so i'm not supposed to say "you can do whatever you want" (even though it's true...) i really think the most important thing is for you to think about your life in ten years and really ask yourself what you want to accomplish or even just try out before then. i think you have a terrible fear of failure and maybe you should overlook that possibility long enough to be adventurous and jump feet first into something you might end up loving. just sayin' ;)
    i'll talk to you more about these things in person. i'm glad you blog :)