Rocky Votolato

Posted on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 - 1 comments -

For some reason I have only listened to Rocky Votolato today. Both to and from work and now that I'm sitting at home. I love his music especially how heartfelt he sings. I can easily notice a progression in his lyrics as each album comes out. If you haven't ever listened to him before you should pick it up. If your wanting some music trivia his brother Cody Votolato is the guitarist for Blood Brothers. However their music is far from similar. I categorize Rocky's music as the junction of Indie Rock and Folk. He never goes over the top with his music and doesn't try to make his music sound epic. Its all simple but very well put together with the lyrics and the music complimenting each other.

Ok, now for the reason I just told you all that. For some reason when I listen to him I always get this weird urge to write songs/poems. Not that its such an odd thing for me to want to write. It also makes me want to teach myself a little more on the guitar or to finally buy a keyboard (still too expensive for me to just blow money on). I also found out today that he is finishing a new album; I hope that comes out soon. I also read that he is apart of a movie project that is actually premiering tomorrow night at Seattle's Movie Festival. I hope to be able to find this movie so I can see it. The lineup for the music in the movie is like a list from my iTunes. One bummer is he doesn't seem to tour too extensively out of the northwest, which I believe is due to his wife and kids (family man).

On the same not as above, I love how music motivates me to write both in my blog and in my notebook. I seem to also use this fact as a rule for music I like. I seem to categorize music by what it motivates me to do. The more intellectual the action it promotes the closer to the top of my favorites list it seems to go. Don't get me wrong there is some music I have that just makes me happy and doesn't motivate me to do anything. This is by no means a strict categorization but a basic one.

Now its notebook time!

There has been 1 Responses to “Rocky Votolato”

  1. Anonymous

    i love music that makes me want to write.

    and i'd like to see your notebook.