Counting Crows

Posted on Sunday, June 14, 2009 - 1 comments -

So yesterday I had a good conversation with John Halsey about musicians. More specifically we talked about Adam Duritz and Chris Crisci. We talked about how we both respect their writing style and how different they are. This basically inspired me to be listening to Counting Crows right now.

Lately I have been thinking about a ton of stuff pertaining to my life and its future. I always wonder if PAI is where I'm supposed to be at the moment or if I'm missing the signs that I need to move on. I've looked a little at different universities to read about their academic programs. I usually gravitate to either their physics or astronomy programs. I love space and find it fascinating. My trouble is I don't feel aware enough of the current research opportunities to make a decision.

Earlier today I read through my old blog on Xanga. It was pretty funny how different my life is now. I wrote in it a lot my first two years of Erskine. I'm aware that I have grown up a lot since then but I'm not every shown the differences. Reading them I noticed how dedicated to school I was. It really made me miss school. Studying for test and having to learn my notes are just a few things I miss. I sometimes feel that I miss the academics more than the social life.

For some reason I never seem to keep friends for too long. There are a few that have stuck with me here and there but as a whole they drift. I also think that is why I'm usually quick to get to know people. I usually meet someone and tell them my life story. Don't get me wrong I do usually wait to see if I trust them first but I'm also a trusting person so that doesn't last long. This might make me impatient but it has seemed to work in some form for most of my life. One thing that has troubled me lately is how my friends are contradicting each other. One will say something about me and then other will say the opposite. I feel like a pretty smart person but this situation is making me question that. When should I apologize for my own personality and work to fix it and when should I make it clear that this is who I am and that's that. I do a terrible job of hiding my feelings. People often tell me how transparent they are and how I'm not fooling anyone.

There has been 1 Responses to “Counting Crows”

  1. Anonymous

    you should post a link to your old xanga on here ;)

    and of course you and john would talk about counting crows... i think he loves them more than he loves me.

    and i hate it when people aren't true friends. or good friends. or when they don't stick around.