
Posted on Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 1 comments -

For the few people who read this, I did disappear for about eight months or so. The disappearance did coincide with me moving to Greenville. New job, new house, new etc. kinda kept me from writing for a while, but then I just lost interest.

After getting George's e-mail about his blog going private, I not only decided to start reading it again, but I also decided to maybe write something on here. I probably will not be updating the music section once a week, but if talked into it I might try to do it every so often.

Since eight months ago I have not really done that much. I never fully resolved my issues with what I want to do with the rest of my life. I don't even think I have moved very far from where I was with that decision. On a side note, I am enjoying my job. I cannot complain about it too much. The hours get to me sometimes, but then I remember that I don't work on Fridays. Regardless of my lack of complains I still get the feeling that I would rather be doing something else with my life.

On a fun note, I will post some music on this post. Because of my roommate Jon, I have regularly been jamming out to Brand New and mewithoutyou. They are both very amazing bands and both are shaping the way music will sound in the future. So if you haven't given them a listen or gave them one long ago try again. Brand New's "The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me" is really good and mewithoutyou's cd coming out next month called "It's All Crazy! It's All False! It's All A Dream! It's Alright" is really good as well.

There has been 1 Responses to “Disappearance”

  1. C. Allen says:

    We are praying for you and your ambitions. Glad to see you on here.